Pi Pool Status

Each Pi Pool is equivalent to a PulseChain validator with a Node ID.

Pi Pool Status Descriptions

Each Pi Pool has a status field:

Prelaunch (0)

  • Pi Pool is created in Storage.solKey-Value data structure.

  • Node Operator has deposited a minimum 16,000,000 PLS and specified duration and PulseChain Node ID. Their Pi Pool is collateralized by at least 25% with staked PPY.

  • Can be moved to status Canceled by the Owner of the node after a 5 day waiting period, with all PLS returned.

  • The Pi Pool is now in a queue, awaiting matching with liquid staking funds.

  • Status: No corresponding validator status

Launched (1)

  • Pi Pool is now locked and cannot be canceled by the owner.

  • Pi Pool withdraws 16,000,000 PLS from the liquid stakers, and the owner's 16,000,000 PLS to stake it on PulseChain's deposit contract to register the node as a validator.

  • Status:

    • Initially: Deposited – Validator index is null because it's just being registered

    • Once registered: Active – Validator index is present, and the node is earning rewards

Staking (2)

  • Pi Pool is locked for the duration of the validation period.

  • No action occurs until the duration ends and validation is complete.

  • Protocol will Export/Import 32,000,000 PLS plus any rewards back to the Pi Pool.

  • Pi Pool will handle fund distribution to liquid staking users, PPY slashing, etc., then set status to Withdrawable.

  • Status: Active to Withdrawal Done

Withdrawable (3)

  • Pi Pool is now available for node operator funds withdrawal. The node operator cannot create a new validation with the same Node ID.

  • Once withdrawal occurs, the status changes to Finished.

  • Status: Finished – Only the validator index is shown.

Finished (4)

  • Pi Pool is completed, all funds withdrawn.

  • Node operator can submit another validation request with us with a newNode ID.

  • Status: Finished – Only the validator index is shown.

Canceled (5)

  • If a Pi Pool is canceled, it is set to this status and can be resubmitted.

  • A Pi Pool can only be canceled by the owner after a 5 day waiting period to prevent griefing.

  • Status: No corresponding validator status

Error (6)

  • Pi Pool failed.

  • The node likely failed to be registered as a validator with PulseChain.

  • The status will move to Finished once the node operator withdraws their funds.

  • Status: No corresponding validator status

Last updated