
This guide ensures that users can easily follow the steps to withdraw their validator using Prysm on PulseChain, both for testnet and mainnet.


Ensure the paths to your validator_keys (keystore) and wallet (password) folders are correct.

  • The beacon-rpc-provider should point to the correct RPC endpoint for your beacon node.

  • The URLs provided at the end will allow you to track the status of your validator's exit.

Step 1: Run the Prysm Validator Exit Command

This will initiate the exit process for your validator.

You will need to change your path where your wallet is located. For example, the path below shows /mnt/pulsetest/wallet:/wallet

sudo docker run -it --rm --net=host \
  -v "/mnt/pulsetest/wallet:/wallet" \ \
  validator exit \
  --wallet-dir=/wallet \

Step 2: Follow the Prompt

  1. Enter your wallet password when prompted.

  2. Select your validator(s) with your arrow keys, then confirm the validator exit by typing Y.

  3. Navigate to the URL provided to understand the implications of a voluntary exit.

  4. Type the following: Exit my validator, then press Enter.

Example Output

WARN[0000] Running on Ethereum Mainnet                   prefix=flags
WARN[0000] You are using an insecure gRPC connection. If you are running your beacon node and validator on the same machines, you can ignore this message. If you want to know how to enable secure connections, see:  prefix=validator
Wallet password: 
[Selected account] 0 | apparently-moving-kingfish | 0xad2624c23ccd
[Selected account] 0 | apparently-moving-kingfish | 0xad2624c23ccd
Done with selections
Are you sure you want to perform a voluntary exit on 1 account? (0xad2624c23ccd) Y/N:
Please navigate to the following website and make sure you understand the current implications of a voluntary exit before making the final decision:
If you still want to continue with the voluntary exit, please input a phrase found at the above URL:
Exit my validator
INFO[0490] Voluntary exit was successful for the accounts listed. URLs where you can track each validator's exit:  prefix=accounts publicKeys=0xad2624c23ccd

Note: it takes about 24 hours to withdraw from the validator.

Last updated